Overhead Record Bus Captain / Chauffeur*CHOOSE ONE BELOW:1 New or Unlisted ChauffeurBarbosa, Carol - ID#3-CarolBarBarbosa, Sammy - ID#264-SammyBaumbach, Joseph – ID#484-JBaumbBrown, Tim – ID#429-TimBroCook, Mike – ID#503-MRCookCooley, Liaketa - ID#545-LiakeCDaniels, Veronica - ID#542-VeronDDePremo, Margaret - ID#301-MDePreDugger, Randall - 589-RDuggeEthridge, Wesley – ID#495-WEthriFauber, James - ID#123-JamesFFerguson, Barbara – ID#497-BFerguFerreira, Andre - ID#4-AndreGoff, Ana - ID#1-ReginaGoff, Dan - ID#2-DanGoffGrande, Samuel - ID#535-SGrandGreen, Antonio - ID# 546-TonyGrGregory, Richard - ID#540-RichGrGrondin, James - ID# 547-JGrondHall, Sheryl - ID#332-SherHaHamblen, Tom – ID#529-THamblHayes, Steven – ID#509-SHayesHill, Nathan – ID#504-NaHillHines, Jerry - ID#475-JHinesHouff, David - ID#512-DHouffJenkins, Luther - ID#458-LutheJJohnson, Brian - ID#479-BJohnsJohnson, Michele - ID#543-MicheJKilpatrick, Michael - ID#539-MikeKiLeFon, Constance – ID#517-ConniLLeFon, David - ID#283-DLefonLehner Jr, Frank - ID#541-FrankLLogan, Barrett - ID#544-BLoganMassie, Jerry - ID#16-JerryMaMcNeilus, Tom – ID#506-TMcNeiPatterson, Dennis - ID#209-DennisPrice, Richard – ID#526-RPriceRodriguez, Julie - ID#538-JulieRRowe, Carla - ID#534-CarlaRShifflett, Gator - ID#12-GatorSShifflett, Shawna – ID#494-ShawnaShifflette, Elwood - ID#440-SteveSShuff, Robert – ID#491-RShuffSlattery, Galen - ID#149-GalenSSmith, Timothy - ID#486-TimithThompson, Vaden - ID#523-VadenTWebb, Kimberly - ID#524-KAWebbWhite, William – ID#502-BHWhitWilson, Larry – ID#467-LWilsoWorley, Jamie – ID#499-JWorleYoung, Jackie – ID#488-JYoungEnter your email for your copy. Overhead Request One For This DayMarket* Charlottesville Lexington Norfolk Richmond Ohio Other (Note in long description) Start Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Short Description*Choose One Below:Clean a Vehicle.Complete Traveller Paperwork.Dispatch Rides.Do Office Maintenance.Do Office Paperwork.Give/Receive Training.Make Company Calls.Pickup Office Supplies.Pickup Parts for Shop.Repair a Vehicle.Transfer Rental Vehicle.Transfer Vehicle to/from Repair Shop.Transfer Vehicle to/from Terminal.Travel to/from Charlottesville.Travel to/from Lexington.Travel to/from Norfolk.Travel to/from Richmond.Other (Note in long description).More Detailed DescrptionVehicle Involved (Note mileage in long description)CHOOSE ONE BELOW:347 Sedan 2019 Chyrsler 300 Black H531943615 SUV 2014 GMC Yukon XL Black H525325620 SUV 2017 Lincoln Navigator L Black H531945622 SUV 2018 Ford Expedition Gray H531946623 SUV 2017 Lincoln Navigator Gray H5320221106 Van 2011 Ford Econoline Wagon White H5311101207 Van 2015 Ford VanTerra White H5320202103 Minibus 2012 Ford E450 White H5311462104 Minibus 2001 Ford E450 White H5311472303 Minibus 2011 Ford E450 Black H5315332418 Minibus 2013 Ford E450 White H5311232419 Minibus 2005 Ford E450 White H5311212420 Minibus 2013 International 3000 White H5311752421 Minibus 2013 International 30000 White H5311762422 Minibus 2013 Ford E-450 White H5319485401 MotorCoach 2010 Volvo 9700 Black P1624125402 MotorCoach 2011 Volvo 9700 Gray P1628515404 MotorCoach 2010 Volvo 9700 White P1637345603 MotorCoach 2004 MCI J4500 Black P1620465605 MotorCoach 2012 MCI J4500 White P1624155607 MotorCoach 2013 VOLVO 9700 WHITE P1624145608 MotorCoach 2006 MCI J4500 White P1626195610 MotorCoach 2007 MCI J4500 White P1628175611 MotorCoach 2016 Volvo 9700 White P1628525614 MotorCoach 2009 MCI J4500 Blue P1632445615 MotorCoach 2008 MCI J4500 Blue P1632455616 MotorCoach 2007 MCI J4500 Blue P1632465617 MotorCoach 2014 MCI J4500 Blue P1632505618 MotorCoach 2008 MCI J4500 Orange P1633485619 MotorCoach 2003 MCI J4500 White P163559Rental Bus MotorCoachRental Minibus MinibusRental Van VanRental SUV SUVRental Sedan SedanNo Vehicle NonVehicleMILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST Personal Car Mileage Reimbursement Requested Number of Miles on Personal CarCalculated Reimbursement AmountImage Uploads Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB, Max. files: 5. Overhead Request Two For This DayMarket Charlottesville Lexington Norfolk Richmond Other (Note in long description) Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Short DescriptionChoose One Below:Clean a Vehicle.Complete Traveller Paperwork.Dispatch Rides.Do Office Maintenance.Do Office Paperwork.Give/Receive Training.Make Company Calls.Pickup Office Supplies.Pickup Parts for Shop.Repair a Vehicle.Transfer Rental Vehicle.Transfer Vehicle to/from Repair Shop.Transfer Vehicle to/from Terminal.Travel to/from Charlottesville.Travel to/from Lexington.Travel to/from Norfolk.Travel to/from Richmond.Other (Note in long description).More Detailed DescrptionVehicle Involved (Note mileage in long description)Choose One Below:1106 Van Ford1414 Van Ford1415 Van Ford2004 Minibus2103 Minibus2104 Minibus2418 Minibus2419 Minibus2420 Minibus2421 Minibus3205 Minibus3206 Minibus344 Sedan Lincoln5101 Bus Prevost5401 Bus Volvo5402 Bus Volvo5403 Bus MCI5603 Bus MCI5605 Bus MCI5607 Bus Volvo5608 Bus MCI5610 Bus MCI5611 Bus Volvo5614 Bus MCI5615 Bus MCI5616 Bus MCI5617 Bus MCI5618 Bus MCI5619 Bus MCI5804 Bus Prevost615 SUV GMC618 SUV ChevyRental VehicleOverhead Request Three For This DayMarket Charlottesville Lexington Norfolk Richmond Other (Note in long description) Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Short DescriptionChoose One Below:Clean a Vehicle.Complete Traveller Paperwork.Dispatch Rides.Do Office Maintenance.Do Office Paperwork.Give/Receive Training.Make Company Calls.Pickup Office Supplies.Pickup Parts for Shop.Repair a Vehicle.Transfer Rental Vehicle.Transfer Vehicle to/from Repair Shop.Transfer Vehicle to/from Terminal.Travel to/from Charlottesville.Travel to/from Lexington.Travel to/from Norfolk.Travel to/from Richmond.Other (Note in long description).More Detailed DescrptionVehicle Involved (Note mileage in long description)Choose One Below:1106 Van Ford1414 Van Ford1415 Van Ford2004 Minibus2103 Minibus2104 Minibus2418 Minibus2419 Minibus2420 Minibus2421 Minibus3205 Minibus3206 Minibus344 Sedan Lincoln5101 Bus Prevost5401 Bus Volvo5402 Bus Volvo5403 Bus MCI5603 Bus MCI5605 Bus MCI5607 Bus Volvo5608 Bus MCI5610 Bus MCI5611 Bus Volvo5614 Bus MCI5615 Bus MCI5616 Bus MCI5617 Bus MCI5618 Bus MCI5619 Bus MCI5804 Bus Prevost615 SUV GMC618 SUV ChevyRental VehicleI certify this information as true and correct.SignatureCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.